What We've Done

- $40,000 down payment to buy a home for a woman with 7 children that had been taken away from her by CPS. $12,000 in wages because her husband was sentenced to 5 years in the state penitentiary. She was 9 months pregnant. We also paid for her prenatal adjustments.
- Wages for a woman and her daughter who were living in a very abusive situation. This lasted for over a year and a half. $36,000 per year.
- $6,000 per month for a payroll to six people for 3 months $108,000 total. Trying to get the non-profit off the ground.
- Safe house in Bryce Canyon $1,800/month so far equating to $21,600 per year
- Support for the person we have in Uganda, where we are helping orphans. $1,000 per month for 2 years.
- Ongoing education for and training on how to get these people on their feet with a well paying job.
- Bringing meals to homeless people, one specifically had just given birth and adopted her child out. Estimated $1,000
- One of our board members have temporarily taken in so many people over the years that it could equate to well over the 100s. A homeless shelter is one of the big things on our list.
- $12,000 to a Native American woman trying to establish a program for providing firewood to the elderly on the Navajo Nation.
- $5,500 - Currently establishing a safe house in Canada.
We have received $10,000 in donations.
All the rest of this has come out of pocket.
All the rest of this has come out of pocket.